
Posts Tagged ‘corporate stationery’

How often do you receive a traditional looking business letter. No junk “teaser copy” on the envelope. No overly salesy copy or promotional graphics that scream “buy buy buy” in the letter. Just a thoughtful letter to you the customer (or prospective customer) that quickly gets to the point in a sincere one-to-one communication. Based on conversations with many executives, this kind of letter is relatively rare these days. And because it is so rare, it will make a greater impression on the receiver than the typical email amid hundreds of emails.

So, the advice in the following article is do not forget the corporate stationery as a primary media for successful marketing.

“As an advertising practitioner, you need corporate stationery that will aide in your marketing and branding efforts. Corporate stationery such as letterheads and envelopes can be significant resources for your advertising firm.

Letterheads and envelopes represent your brand identity because they contain your company name and logo. Your letterhead and envelope design should reflect your brand image, ensuring your clients can easily identify you. Below are a few reasons why you should utilize professionally printed letterheads and envelopes:

–  Client Meetings: Show your professionalism by using your corporate stationery for all company communication. You can offer your stationery for note taking during client meetings. Make sure that your letterheads and envelopes are impressive so as not to leave a bad impression.

– Direct Mailing: Project your brand both inside and out by using your letterheads and envelopes for client correspondence. Clients won’t consider your mail junk if you make use of professionally-printed corporate stationery. Online letterhead and envelope printing is an excellent investment for your advertising agency; therefore, you must choose a reliable online printing company to get the best value for your money.

– Client Presentations: Present yourself in a confident and professional manner by providing handouts printed on your company letterhead. Presentations are all about impressing the client. So, put your best foot forward and hand them corporate stationery produced by a reputable online printing company.

Introducing letterheads and envelopes to your marketing arsenal strengthens your branding efforts. Online letterhead and envelope printing services allow you to maintain durable and professional-looking printed materials.”


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